Arc For Windows!?

Ultra-narrow Tabbar

Arc Like Tabbar

Pin Tab

💌 Notes from Tovi
📄 About VivalArc
This project mainly includes a set of CSS files and a Vivaldi theme. With a few simple steps of configuration, you can modify Vivaldi into Arc style. Compatible with macOS, Windows, and Linux.
📄 Docs
- 📝VivalArc, Configuration Steps
- 📝VivalArc, Configuration Steps on Github
- 🎨Recommended Themes
- 🎉Change Log
- 🧑💻FAQ
- 📝VivalArc 中文介绍和配置方式
💌 Thanks for
- Github @clementpoiret added arcdark theme
🧑💻 Beautiful Screenshots from
- Twitter @altemo
- Twitter @vivaldi_fr
- Github @clementpoiret
- Bilibili @tovi(me😉)
💌 ATovi Project 💌